Copyright 2008, 2010, 2011 Joseph D. Coons. This manual was written for this boat’s owner
by Joseph D. Coons, 1220 Birch Falls Drive, Bellingham, WA 98229, tel (360) 647-0288.
All rights reserved. This manual may not be quoted, copied, or duplicated, in whole or in part,
in printed or electronic form, without express written consent from the author.
About the Author
Joe Coons is a retired AM-FM broadcasting station owner and computer systems corporate
executive who throughout his life was involved in communications and mechanical, electrical, and
electronic systems. He cruised his own boat on the Hudson River and Lake Champlain when a
teen and in his early twenties, and during the 70's and 80's accumulated some 2,500 hours as an
instrument-rated private pilot. Beginning in 1986 he became seriously involved in boating as a
boat owner, subsequently working in a “retirement career” as a broker, also commissioning
vessels, operating a charter fleet, checking out boat charterers, and training new power boaters.
He has held a 50-ton Coast Guard Master’s license, and operated his own boats and a substantial
number of others from 26 to 70 feet in the near-coastal waters of Washington State, British
Columbia, and Alaska. His “helm time” exceeds 8,000 hours. In addition, he has trained hundreds
of boaters in the skills of vessel operation.
This notice is a part of this manual, and is placed here to warn you as an owner, crew
member or passenger on this vessel that the author of this manual assumes no responsibility
for any errors or omissions herein, and represents only that the writings and illustrations herein
represent his “best efforts” to provide a comprehensive overview of the vessel, so that it can
be operated by a person who has the necessary experience and/or training to operate such a
vessel given the additional information herein.
You should be aware that this operating manual is provided as a convenience to the
owner(s), crew members and passengers on this vessel, and is not complete in every detail.
Given the complexity of this boat and its systems, there is no way that all conditions,
contingencies, and operating details can be covered, both because of space limitations and
because of ordinary oversight as contingencies are speculated upon by the author. Likewise,
it is possible either through oversight and/or changes in the vessel as a result of additions,
modifications, or deletions to or of equipment since publication of this manual, that items
discussed will operate differently than described, be absent from the vessel, or be added to the
vessel without discussion in this volume.
As a vessel owner, crew member or passenger on this vessel, you are here at your own
risk, and the author of this manual has no responsibility for your actions whatsoever. If you do
not feel competent to undertake any or all operations detailed herein, do not undertake it/them;
get help from a competent person.
I thank you, (and my lawyer thanks you.)
Joseph D. Coons