To control the balance of heat between the boat’s areas
(particularly the head compartments) use the individual fan control
switches by each fan, or open, close, or re-direct the deflectors on the
As you see, this furnace system is flexible! As long as the
batteries can support the modest DC requirement of the fans and
furnace, you will have plenty of quiet heat. In fact, this use of the house
batteries’ energy for air circulation is a good reason to limit use of the
furnace to times when passengers are awake, unless the
boat has shore power available.
Furnace Blower Controls
“Fan Heater” controls are located throughout the boat
in areas where there are no thermostats. These will supply
heat to that area when the switch is on “Low” or “High” and
the furnace is running.
4M3: Furnace Exhaust Warning
Note the location of the exhaust aft on the
starboard side of the boat! Care should be
taken not to black this outlet with fenders or
while rafting due to the very high
temperature of the exhaust gases from the
4M4: Furnace Problems
If battery voltage gets too low the furnace will shut down to avoid running the batteries
dead. After the batteries are fully charged, the furnace then should operate.
4M5: Furnace Thermostats
See illustration to right. The buttons control the
temperature settings.
The thermostat in the pilothouse.
Fan switches are throughout the boat.
The furnace exhaust is starboard just forward of
the swim step.
Thermostats like this one control the temperature
in each area.
Section 4M: Furnace & Air Conditioning 4.38