Section 1: Introduction & General Boat Description
1A: About This Manual
1A1: Manual Objective and Limitations
This manual is intended to introduce you to “Hele Mai”, its systems, and features,
allowing you to operate it with the confidence and self-assurance necessary to enjoy your
cruising vacation to its fullest. It is not intended to replace a basic understanding of
seamanship, including navigation skills, weather interpretation or boat handling. You are
expected to have an understanding of these subjects obtained through other sources,
including training, seminars, reading and perhaps most important, experience.
There is no way that a small manual like this one can answer every question or give you
a solution to every circumstance, foreseen or unforeseen. If you have a question which limits
your understanding or handling of this vessel, ask the owner, a specialist, or contact Keith
Robertson or Craig Cooper; make a list of questions as you read the manual, saving them all
up to ask at one time).
1A2: How the Manual is Organized
The manual is divided into six sections numbered “1" to “6" plus an index (Section 7).
Within each section are subsections lettered “A” to “Z” as required.
In section 4, which deals with the specific information about the vessel’s equipment and
systems, the manual is organized by major categories, such as “Anchor”, “Dinghy, Davit &
Outboard”, “Fresh Water System”, etc.
Note that within “Electrical Systems” are the “AC Electrical System” and
“DC Electrical System” as sub-categories, and within them are such items
that are a part of each, such as “Inverter”, “Generator”, etc.
Likewise, all
electronic equipment is in the “Electronics” section.
A complete index is at the back of the manual in Section 7.
Section 1A: About This Manual 1.1