Guest Stateroom:
Your guests deserve
comfort, too, and Hele Mai
doesn't scrimp for your VIP
guests aboard. The guest
stateroom is to port at the
foot of the companionway
steps opposite the head
compartment. There is a
hanging locker with extra
storage above and below,
and there’s a door for
storage access under the
lower berth. Good lighting
adds to the comfort.
When guests are not
using the berths, they
convert to a settee. The
upper berth swings down
and supporting hardware
secures in a near-vertical
comfortable position.
The boat’s washer-
dryer is also in this
Part of the guest stateroom. Note reading lamps and intercom
In this photo you can see one of the
barrel bolts holding the berth up, as
well as the alternate position for
making it a seat back.
Lots of creature comforts...
The washer-dryer is under the
hanging locker. (Floor is now
Section 1B2: General Description - Interior 1.9