Dedicated Micros ©2009
V-IP Expr
Step Monitor
The D�-�� ��press supports a main monitor �ia �NC ‘�’ and a spot monitor �ia �NC ‘�’.
� main monitor can also be connected �ia the �G� socket. �f required, both the �NC ‘�’ connector
and the �G� socket can be utilised simultaneously.
Step Connecting Audio
The D�-�� ��press supports two channels of bi-directional audio, accessible through Net�u
Obser�er. Connect the audio equipment to the phono sockets �UD�O �N and �UD�O OUT. The
audio channel defaults to record camera 1.
The following modes of operation are supported:
• Challenge – intruders from a Remote �ideo Response Centre (R�RC)
• �isten – to local audio from a site at the R�RC
•� Record - local audio from a site to accompany video
• Replay - all audio through a local �udio output (not supported when
Audio out is used as a challenge/PA source)
The Audio output can be configured as a challenge output or as a replay output.