Further Reading
solid dosage forms. Pharmaceutical
Research. 8(3):292-297.
Friedel, R.R. and A.M. Cundell. (1998). The applica-
tion of water activity measurement to the
microbiological attributes testing of nonster-
ile over-the-counter drug products. Pharma-
copeial Forum. 24(2):6087-6090.
Kontny, M.J. (1988). Distribution of water in solid
pharmaceutical systems. Drug Development
and Industrial Pharmacy. 14(14):1991-2027.
Zografi, G. (1988). States of water associated with
solids. Drug Development and Industrial
Pharmacy. 14(14):1905-1926.
Bell, L.N. and T.P. Labuza. (1992). Compositional
influence on the pH of reduced-moisture
solutions. Journal of Food Science. 57:732-
Bell, L.N. and T.P. Labuza. (1994). Influence of the
low-moisture state on pH and its implication
for reaction kinetics. Journal of Food Engi-
neering. 22:291-312.
Bell, L.N. (1995). Kinetics of non-enzymatic brown-
ing in amorphous solid systems: Distinguish-
ing the effects of water activity and the glass
transition. Food Research International.