Further Reading
Shimasaki, T., K. Miake, Y. Tsukamasa, M.A. Sug-
iyama, Y. Minegishi, and H. Shinano. (1994).
Effect of Water Activity and Storage Temper-
ature on the Quality and Microflora of
Smoked Salmon. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi.
Dairy Products
Fresno, J.M., M.E. Tornadijo, J. Carballo, P.J. Gonza-
lez, and A. Bernardo. (1996). Characteriza-
tion and biochemical changes during the
ripening of a Spanish craft goat's milk cheese
(Armada variety). Food Chemistry. 55:225-
Kombila, M.E. and C. Lacroix. (1991). The effect of
combinations of salt, lactose and glycerol on
the water activity (
) of cheese spreads.
Canadian Institute of Food Science and Tech-
nology Journal. 24:233-238.
Pisecky, J. (1992). Water activity of milk powders.
Milchwissenschaft. 47:3-7.
Vivier, D., R. Ratomahenina, and P. Galzy. (1994).
Characteristics of micrococci from the sur-
face of Roquefort cheese. Journal of Applied
Bacteriology. 76:546-552.
Fruits and Vegetables
Beveridge, T. and S.E. Weintraub. (1995). Effect of
blanching pretreatment on color and texture