Further Reading
van den Berg, C. (1985). Water activity. In: Concen-
tration and Drying of Foods. MacCarthy, D.
(ed.) Elsevier, London. pp. 11-35.
Food Quality and Safety
Brandt, L. (1996). Bound for success. Controlling
water activity gives technologists the edge in
developing safe, shelf-stable foods. Food
Formulating. September:41-48.
Franks, F. (1982). Water activity as a measure of bio-
logical viability and quality control. Cereal
Foods World. 27(9):403-407.
Hardman, T.M. (1988). Water and Food Quality.
Elseiver Press, London.
Kress-Rogers, E. (1993). Food quality measurement.
Food Industry News. September:23-26.
McMeekin, T.A. and T. Ross. (1996). Shelf life pre-
diction: Status and future possibilities. Inter-
national Journal of Food Microbiology.
Rockland, L.B. and G.F. Stewart. (1981). Water Activ-
ity: Influences on Food Quality. Academic
Press, New York.
Seow, C.C., T.T. Teng, and C.H. Quah. (1988). Food
Preservation by Moisture Control. Elsevier,
New York.
Taoukis, P., W. Breene, and T.P. Labuza. (1988).
Intermediate moisture foods. Advances in
Cereal Science and Technology. 9:91-128.