Declaration of Conformity
Declaration of Conformity
Application of Council 89/336/EEC
Standards to which EN55022 : 1987
conformity is declared: EN500082-1 : 1992
Manufacturer’s Name: Decagon Devices, Inc.
950 NE Nelson Court
Pullman, WA 99163
Type of Equipment: Pawkit water activity
Model Number:
Year of First Manufacture: 2000
This is to certify that the Pawkit water activity meter,
manufactured by Decagon Devices, Inc., a corpora-
tion based in Pullman, Washington, USA meets or
exceeds the standards for CE compliance as per the
Council Directives noted above. All instruments are
built at the factory at Decagon and pertinent testing
documentation is freely available for verification.
This certification applies to all Pawkit models.