System Setup and Configuration
3.7 DSSI VAXclusters
b. VAX 4000 Model 500 is OpenVMS 5.5
c. VAX 4000 Model 500A is OpenVMS 5.5–2H4
d. VAX 4000 Model 505A is OpenVMS 5.5–2H4
e. VAX 4000 Model 600 is OpenVMS 5.5–2
f. VAX 4000 Model 600A is OpenVMS 5.5–2H4
g. VAX 4000 Model 700A is OpenVMS 5.5–2H4
h. VAX 4000 Model 705A is OpenVMS 5.5–2H4
• OpenVMS 6.0 does not support any VAX 4000 platforms.
• These rules apply to Digital supplied hardware. Third party devices may
not conform to DSSI electrical specification requirements. Therefore,
bus length, ground offset, basic noise margining, and warm swap
characteristics are at risk when using third party devices.
• Like adapters should be connected together whenever possible.
• Like CPUs should be connected together whenever possible.
For more information on DSSI VAXcluster configurations, refer to the
VAXcluster Installation and Troubleshooting
manual. Figure 3–6 and
Figure 3–7 show two popular DSSI VAXcluster configurations using a VAX
4000 system.
System Setup and Configuration 3–21