PQRM5300 33 Ux Ix xx xx (PS)
20201120-V1 Digital output, Energy sign output settings
The instrument can transmit the energy sign on the Pulse
+ sign: energy export
- sign: energy import
Here you can select the output for transmitting sign, the
energy (E
, E
) and the polarity of the output.
Sequence of operations
1. Log in the 7. Configurations menu
2. Choose the 7.2. Modul #1 settings menu of the
7. Configurations menu with
buttons, and press
the ENTE switch.
3. Choose the 7.2.1 D1 digital output menu of the 7.2. Modul
#1 settings menu with
buttons, and press the
ENTE switch
4. Select the the Energy sign with
switch, and then
Press the SEL switch.
5. Press the OK switch.
6. Select from the menu with
switch the measured
quantity what you are going to sign on outputs.
7. Press the SEL switch.
8. Press the OK switch.
9. Select from the menu with
switch the output polarity.
When you select the “NO (Normally open)” state then the
output transistor is in off state when there is no pulse on the
output. When you select the “NC (Normally closed” state
then the output transistor is in on state when there is no
pulse on the output.
10. Press the SEL switch.
11. Press the OK switch.
12. Press the BACK switch to exit from Modul #1 settings