PQRM5300 33 Ux Ix xx xx (PS)
7.7. Clear the Energyregisters
Here can the Supervisor delete the energy regesiters.
You can not write back the previous value!
Sequence of operations
1. Log in the 7. Configurations menu
2. Choose the 7.7. Clear energy menu of the
7. Configurations menu with
buttons, and press
the ENTE switch.
3. Select the Energy you want to delet with
and press the ENTE switch
4. Press the CLEAR switch
5. Press the YES switch confirm to delete.
6. Press the BACK switch to exit from 7.7 Clear energy
7.8. Change the password
Here can the Supervisor change the password.
Default: 0
Sequence of operations
1. Log in the 7. Configurations menu
2. Choose the 7.8. User password menu of the
7. Configurations menu with
buttons, and press
the ENTE switch.
3. Type the new password with help
, - , + switches,
and press the OK switch to accept the value.
4. The device has to exit from 7.8. User password submenu.
Do not forget your master password, because if it
goes to 7. Configuration submenu, you can only enter with
the new password