PQRM5300 33 Ux Ix xx xx (PS)
20201120-V1 Digital output, Energy pulse output settings
The instrument has two open collector transistor pulse
outputs for transmitting export-import energy values for data
acquisition purposes. The frequency of the pulse outputs is
proportional to the measured energy.
Here you can set all parameters of the pulse outputs
Sequence of operations
1. Log in the 7. Configurations menu
2. Choose the 7.2. Modul #1 settings menu of the
7. Configurations menu with
buttons, and press
the ENTE switch.
3. Choose the 7.2.1 D1 digital output menu of the 7.2. Modul
#1 settings menu with
buttons, and press the
ENTE switch
4. Select the the Energy pulse with
switch, and then
Press the SEL switch.
5. Press the OK switch.
6. Select from the menu with
switch the measured
quantity what you are going to transmit.
7. Press the SEL switch.
8. Press the OK switch.
9. Select from the menu with
switch the D1 pulse menu
10. Type the Pulse equivalent value with help
, - , +
switches, and press the OK switch to accept the value.
11. Select from the menu with
switch the D1 lenght
12. Type the Pulse the pulse width in milliseconds value with
, - , + switches, and press the OK switch to
accept the value.
13. Select from the menu with
switch the D1 gap menu.
14. Type the the minimum time value (between the pulses)
in milliseconds with help
, - , + switches, and press
the OK switch to accept the value.
15. Press the OK switch.