PQRM5300 33 Ux Ix xx xx (PS)
59 Digital output, digital output test
Digital outputs can be tested regardless of their function,
This function you can easier to detect the connections,
cables, and fault I / O modules.
Sequence of operations
1. Log in the 7. Configurations menu
2. Choose the 7.2. Modul #1 settings menu of the
7. Configurations menu with
buttons, and press
the ENTE switch.
3. Choose the 7.2.3 Digital output test menu of the 7.2.
Modul #1 settings menu with
buttons, and press
the ENTE switch.
4. Select the the 1.output or 2.output with
switch, and
then Press the EDIT switch.
5. Press the BACK switch to exit from Modul #1 settings