Scope properties and waveform settings
There are no remote interface commands that correspond directly to the front panel Scope functions.
Available settings
Vertical Settings (Ver)
Trace checkbox
Selects the trace to display for the output. If no checkbox is enabled, no traces will
be displayed .
Configures the voltage/division, current/division, power/division and offsets the out-
Horizontal Settings
Per division
Configures to zoom in or out of the data so that you can view waveform details. The
numbers on the top of the display indicate the location of the data that is being
viewed relative to the entire data log. Specified in time/division on the x axis.
Applies to ALL traces.
Configures the waveform location (right or left) of the timebase reference. The trig-
ger point is indicated by the solid arrow
Sample Points
Specifies the number of points in a scope trace. The maximum number of points
that can be specified depends on the number of scope traces that have been
enabled. The minimum number of points that can be specified is 1024.
1 traces enabled: 256 K points
2 traces enabled: 128 K points
The power trace counts as 2 traces, since voltage and current must be measured to
calculate power.
If the voltage and current traces have already been selected, the Power trace is not
Time Reference
Specifies the reference point (right, left or center) on the scope display. This is the
position of trigger if no offset has been set.
Trigger Settings
Specifies a trigger source. This trigger source will trigger the scope measurements
on all output channels.
Specifies a trigger level if you select a Voltage level or Current level as the trigger
Specifies a trigger mode.
Specifies a trigger slope.
Keysight E36150 Series User's Guide