Step 4 – Turn on Output, start the sequencing and log the data
Press Back to return the display to the data logger view.
– Press [On] to turn on the output.
– Press Datalog Run to run the data logger. The data logger will be initiated and the output trace is displayed on
the screen.
– Press Arb > Arb List > Run Stopped to start output sequencing. Alternatively, press [List Run/Stop].
The data logger will run for 30 seconds and log the voltage data. When the data log completes, press Auto Scale.
You should see the output waveform displayed as follows:
A message will indicate that the logged data has been saved in a file named default.dlog. If you wish to save the data
under a different filename, you must specify the filename before the data logger runs.
Press File Name located at the data logger Properties menu to specify a filename.
Step 5 – Export the data
After you have completed the data logging, you can use the Export File key to export the logged data to a .csv
(comma separated values) file.
Keysight E36150 Series User's Guide