Multiple loads
When connecting multiple loads to the power supply, each load should be connected to the output terminals using
separate connecting wires. This minimizes mutual coupling effects between loads and takes full advantage of the
low output impedance of the power supply. Each pair of wires should be as short as possible and twisted or shielded
to reduce lead inductance and noise pick-up. If a shield is used, connect one end to the power supply ground
terminal and leave the other end disconnected.
If cabling considerations require the use of distribution terminals that are located remotely from the power supply,
connect output terminals to the distribution terminals by a pair of twisted or shielded wires. Connect each load to
the distribution terminals separately.
For multiple load application, all loads should either be connected to the front panel binding post or rear panel
Turn off AC power before connecting loads to prevent currents from damaging the loads.
Front panel
Rear panel
Keysight E36150 Series User's Guide