Scope View
Press [Scope/Datalog] key to view the scope. This key toggles between the Scope view and Data Logger view.
Trace controls
Identifies the voltage, current , or power that will be displayed. √ indicates the trace is on. Dashes (---
-) indicate the trace is off. Select the trace and press [Enter] to turn it on or off.
Data bar
The data bar represents all of the logged data. The yellow part indicates the portion of the data that is
visible on the display. The black part represents the data that is not visible.
Identifies the horizontal time-base setting. This can be adjusted using the Horizontal knob after press-
ing Knob Sc.
Offset time
Indicates the time from the trigger point indicator to the vertical center line of the grid. Negative
values indicate the center line is to the left of the trigger point. Positive values indicate the center line
is to the right of the trigger point. The trigger point can be adjusted using the Horizontal knob after
pressing Knob Ofs.
Arb status
Indicates the Arb is running. No indicator when Arb is idle.
Trigger mode
Indicates the trigger mode (Auto, Single, or Triggered).
Trigger Source
In the figure, the trigger source is a voltage level on output 1.
Up trigger indicates the measurement will be triggered on the up-slope (positive).
Down trigger indicates the measurement will be triggered on the down-slope (negative).
If the trigger source is set to a voltage or current level, the amplitude of the trigger level is indicated
below the trigger source. In the figure, the voltage trigger level is set to 0 V.
Sample period
The indicated scope sample period is based on the horizontal time/div. setting. When the time/div.
setting is less than 2 ms/division, the scope will sample at its fastest rate, 10 µs.
Range indicates the measurement range setting of the selected trace.
Scope status
Indicates whether the scope is Running, Stopped, or Waiting for a trigger.
Keysight E36150 Series User's Guide