SV01 Server ● BMC User Manual ● Rev. 2.1
the “root” user is a special type of user that cannot be disabled or deleted, cannot have its
username modified and the privilege level is always fixed as “Administrator”. The “root” user has always
full access to the BMC settings and can only have its password modified.
Another option available in the “Local users” menu is the multiple selection edition option. If the user
desires to remove, enable or disable multiple users at the same time, it is possible to select them by
means of the particular checkboxes on the left side of the username or select all the users at once by
clicking on the checkbox in the header. After selecting the users, it is possible to use the buttons on the
header to enable, disable or delete the users, as well as use the “Cancel” button to undo the multiple
selection. The “root” user cannot be selected using this feature, because it cannot be enabled, disabled
or deleted.
Figure 62: Editing multiple users
2.5.3 SSL certificates
The “SSL certificates” menu allows the user to add certificates or to generate a new CSR (Certificate
Signing Request). Adding or replacing a certificate
In order to add a new certificate, the user must click on the “Add new certificate” button, as shown in
the Figure 63.