SV01 Server ● BMC User Manual ● Rev. 2.1
24 Host OS boot settings - Boot override
The “Host OS boot settings” is used to configure the boot override option, which is used to select the
main boot option for the system without the need to access the BIOS/UEFI menu.
Once a boot option other than “None” is selected in the “Boot Setting Override”, this setting will override
the boot sequence configured in the UEFI/BIOS menu. However, when “None” is selected, the boot
override is disabled and the boot sequence defined in the BIOS/UEFI menu is used. The following boot
options are available in the BMC web GUI:
no boot override configured. Boot priority is defined in the BIOS/UEFI menu.
pxe boot. Used for booting through the network (netboot).
Hard Disk Drive, when available.
Cd or Virtual Media, when available.
Diagnostic boot.
used for automatically entering the BIOS menu when booting.
usb device, when available.
Figure 21: Host OS boot settings menu
There are two additional options available in the “Host OS boot settings” menu:
● The “Enable one time boot” checkbox, when active, configures only the next boot to use the
override settings defined in the “Boot Setting Override” drop down list. As soon as the first boot
is completed, the boot override option is disabled, returning automatically to “None”.
● The “TPM Required Policy” can be enabled in order to ensure that the system will boot only if
the TPM (Trusted Platform Module) is active and functional. P
lease refer to the “DM-SV01 BIOS
Manual” (2) for details regarding the TPM settings and refer to the “DM-SV01 Product Manual”
(1) for additional information about the TPM functionality.
After configuring any of the options mentioned above, the user can apply the settings by clicking on the
“Save” button or discard them by clicking on the “Cancel” button.