SV01 Server ● BMC User Manual ● Rev. 2.1
47 Managing users
The “Add user” button can be used to create a new user for accessing and administering the BMC. The
button is shown in the Figure 57.
Figure 57: Add user button
The “Add user” window is shown in the Figure 58, and the following options are available for configuring
the new user:
Account status:
The user can be enabled or disabled.
defines the username. It cannot start with a number and cannot have special
characters except the underscore.
User Password:
defines the password for the user, between 8 and 20 characters. Please
note that the password cannot be a very simple sequence of characters and must be accepted
by the rules defined as per Linux pam_cracklib, which checks the password against dictionary
defines the privilege level of the user. There are four options available:
○ Administrator
○ Operator
○ ReadOnly
○ NoAccess
In order to add a new user, the system administrator must configure the settings mentioned above and
then click on the “Add user” button below.