SV01 Server ● BMC User Manual ● Rev. 2.1
Keep BIOS settings image:
this image updates the BIOS FW, but keeps the current settings
unchanged. All the configurations performed by the user will be preserved after the update. This
type of update will be available only for minor FW upgrades, when it is safe to keep the settings
unchanged during the update.
Clear BIOS settings image:
this image updates the BIOS FW and resets all BIOS settings to
the factory default. The changes performed by the user will not be preserved after the update.
Please consult the Datacom sales team whenever necessary for checking which type of image is
available for the update.
Figure 39: BIOS FW ready for the update
The Figure 40 shows an example of a BMC FW image already uploaded and ready for the update.
Figure 40: BIOS FW ready for the update