Counter 00 will always contain the oldest data. A counter will cover a period from XX:00 to XX:59 if hours or 00:00 to 23:59 if days.
If logging either the last hours or last days, the counters will shift contents at XX:00 every hour or at 00:00 every day.
Counter with highest index will always be subject to update (containing data for the actual hour since XX:00 or the actual day since 00:00).
The contents of counters can be displayed as bars on LCP. Select
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Energy Log: Trending Continued Bin / Trending Timed Bin /
Trending Comparison
23-50 Energy Log Resolution
Select the desired type of period for logging of consumption. Hour of Day [0] , Day of Week [1] or
Day of Month [2]. The counters contain the logging data from the programmed date/time for start
) and the numbers of hours/days as programmed for (par.23-50
The logging will start on the date programmed in par.23-51
, and continue until one
day/week/month has gone. Last 24 Hours [5], Last 7 Days [6] or Last 5 Weeks [7]. The counters
contain data for one day, one week or five weeks back in time and up to the actual time.
The logging will start at the date programmed in par.23-51
. In all cases the period split
will refer to Operating Hours (time where frequency converter is powered up).
Hour of Day
Day of Week
Day of Month
[5] *
Last 24 Hours
Last 7 Days
Last 5 Weeks
The frequency converter has no back up of the clock function and the set date/time will reset to default (2000-01-01 00:00) after a
power down unless a Real Time Clock module with back up is installed. Consequently the logging will be stopped until date/time is
readjusted in par.0-70
it is possible to program for a Warning in case clock not has been
set properly, e.g. after a power down.
3 Parameter Description
Drive Programming Guide
MG.11.N1.02 - VLT
is a registered Danfoss trademark