Piranha4 2K and 4K Camera Color User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Step 1. Install and Configure the Frame Grabber
and Software
Install frame grabber
Install a Fu ll configu ration Cam era Link fram e grabber accord ing to the m anu factu rer’s d escrip tion.
We recom m end the Xcelera-CL PX8 fram e grabber or equ ivalent, d escribed in d etail on the
teled yned alsa.com site
Install Sapera LT and CamExpert GUI
Com m u nicate w ith the cam era u sing a Cam era Link -com p liant interface. We recom m end you u se
Cam Exp ert. Cam Exp ert is the cam era interfacing tool su p p orted by the Sap era library and com es
bu nd led w ith Sap eraLT. Using Cam Exp ert is the sim p lest and qu ickest w ay to send com m and s to and
receive inform ation from the cam era.
Camera Link Environment
These cam eras im p lem ent the Cam era link sp ecification, w hich d efines the d evice cap abilities.
The Cam era link XML d evice d escrip tion file is em bed d ed w ithin the cam era firm w are allow ing Cam era
link-com p liant ap p lications to recognize the cam eras’ cap abilities im m ed iately after connection.