Piranha4 2K and 4K Camera Color User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Step 3. Establish Communication with the
Power on the camera
Tu rn on the cam era’s p ow er su p p ly. You m ay have to w ait w hile the cam era read ies itself for op eration.
The cam era m u st boot fu lly before it w ill be recognized by the GUI—the LED shines green once the
cam era is read y.
Connect to the frame grabber
Start Sap era Cam Exp ert (or equ ivalent Cam era Link com p liant interfa ce) by d ou ble clicking the
d esktop icon created d u ring the softw are installation.
Cam Exp ert w ill search for installed Sap era d evices. In the Devices list area on the left sid e, the
connected fram e grabber w ill be show n.
Select the fram e grabber d evice by clicking on the nam e.
N ote: The first tim e you set u p the cam era you w ill need to establish a com m u nication link betw een the
cam era and fram e grabber. Instru ctions are available here in
Ap p end ix F: Cam era, Fram e Grabber
Connect to the camera
Start a new Sap era Cam Exp ert ap p lication (or equ ivalent Cam era Link com p liant interfa ce) by
d ou ble clicking the d esktop icon created d u ring the softw are installation .
In the Devices list area on the left sid e, select the COM p ort below the Cam era Link label.
Check LED status
If the cam era is op erating correctly at this p oint, the d iagnostic LED w ill shine green.
Software interface
All the cam era featu res can be controlled throu gh the Cam Exp ert interface. For exam p le, u nd er the
Sensor Control m enu in the cam era w ind ow you can control the line rate and exp osu re tim es.