Piranha4 2K and 4K Camera Color User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Figure 28. CamExpert’s Camera Information Window
Verify Temperature and Voltage
To d eterm ine the voltage and tem p eratu re at the cam era, u se the
Refresh Voltage and Refresh
featu res fou nd in the
The tem p eratu re retu rned is the internal tem p eratu re in d egrees Celsiu s. For p rop er op eration, this valu e
shou ld not exceed 80 °C. If the cam era exceed s the d esignated tem p eratu re it w ill stop im aging and the
LED w ill tu rn red . Once you have d iagnosed and rem ed ied the issu e u se the
reset camera
fu nction.
The voltage d isplayed is the camera’s input voltage.
The voltage m easu rem ent featu re of the cam era p rovid es resu lts typ ically w ithin 1%. This
m easu rem ent can be u sed to set the ap p lied voltage to the cam era.