Piranha4 2K and 4K Camera Color User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
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Docu m ent Date: 2 May 2018
Docu m ent N u m ber: 03-032-20180-05
About Teledyne D ALSA
Teled yne DALSA is an international high p erform ance sem icond uctor and Electronics Com p any that d esigns, d evelop s,
m anu factu res, and markets d igital im aging p rod u cts and solu tions, in ad d ition to p rovid ing w afer found ry services.
Teled yne DALSA Digital Imaging offers the w id est range of machine vision com p onents in the w orld . From ind u stry -lead ing im age
sensors throu gh pow erfu l and sophisticated cam eras, fram e grabbers, vision p ro cessors and softw are to easy-to-u se vision
ap p liances and cu stom vision mod u les.
Contact Teledyne D ALSA
Teled yne DALSA is head quartered in Waterloo, Ontario, Canad a. We have sales offices in the USA, Eu rop e and Asia, p lu s a
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