Piranha4 2K and 4K Camera Color User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Table 5: P4-CC-04K Operating Ranges
Operating Ranges
Dynam ic Range
61.8 d B
61.8 d B
61.8 d B
Rand om N oise
3.25 DN ** rm s
3.25 DN rm s
3.25 DN rm s
Resp onsivity
Refer to grap h
1x to 10x N om inal Range (not inclu d ing ind ivid u al RGB gains for w hite balance)
DC Offset
< 11 DN
< 11 DN
< 11 DN
< 2% @50% Sat
< 2% @50% Sat
< 2% @50% Sat
< 6.3 DN
< 6.3 DN
< 6.3 DN
7.8 nJ / cm 2
9.6 nJ / cm 2
9.5 nJ / cm 2
6.3 p J / cm 2
7.8 p J / cm 2
7.7 p J / cm 2
Antibloom ing
> 100 x Satu ration
Integral non -linearity
< 2% DN
**DN = d igital nu m ber
Test Conditions:
Valu es m easu red u sing 12-bit, 1x gain.
10 kH z line rate
Light sou rce: w hite LED
N o w hite balancing
Front p late tem p eratu re: 45º C
Environmental Specifications
Storage tem p eratu re range
-20 °C to +80 °C
H u m id ity (storage and op eration)
15% to 85% relative, non -cond ensing
MTBF (m ean tim e betw een failu res)
>100,000 hou rs, typ ical field op eration
Flash memory size
Flash Memory Size
All m od els
16 MByte
EN 55011, FCC Part 15, CISPR 11, and ICES-003 Class A Rad iated Em issions Requ irem ents*
EN 55024, and EN 61326-1 Im m u nity to Distu rbance*
RoH S p er EU Directive 2002/ 95/ EC and WEEE p er EU Directive 2002/ 96/ EC and China Electronic Ind u stry
Stand ard SJ/ T11364-2006*
GenICam XML Descrip tion File, Su p erset of the GenICam ™ Stand ard Featu res N am ing Convention sp ecification
V1.5, Cam era Link Serial Com m u nication: GenICam ™ Generic Control Protocol (GenCP V1.0)
* Pend ing test resu lts.