Piranha4 2K and 4K Camera Color User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Appendix E. Color Deca and Full
Mode Acquisition
This section d escribes how to acqu ire im ages w ith the Piranha4 color cam era u nd er RGB 9.1 Deca m od e
to achieve a 69 KH z line rate, and u nd er RGB 6.2 Fu ll m od e to ach ieve a 55 KH z line rate.
Supported Sapera LT
Sap era 7.10 or later is requ ired .
Programming Deca Mode
The RGB 9.1 Deca m od e u tilizes Cam era Link 10-tap , 8-bit m od e to achieve RGB form atting.
Below is the Cam era Link p ort assignm ent of Deca m od e.