Piranha4 2K and 4K Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Appendix B: ASCII Commands
The follow ing com m and s can be u sed to control the Teled yne DALSA Piranha4 cam eras.
Accessing the Three Letter Commands (TLC)
To access the TLC an ASCII-based com m u nications interface ap p lication, su ch as H yp er Term inal.
Ad d itionally it is p ossible to u se the fu nctions of
as d efined in
the Cam era Link Sp ecification.
Figure 36: Serial DLL hierarchy as mentioned in the Camera Link Specification
Cycle p ow er to the cam era: by either a) issu ing the reset cam era com m and (rc), or b) p ow ering
the cam era OFF and then ON .
Load the ASCII interface u sing:
9600 bau d
8 d ata bits
no p arity
1 stop bit
no flow control
local echo
(carriage retu rn / linefeed )
Wait for a stable statu s LED color (green or red ) before p roceed ing. N ote that all entries in
H yp erTerm inal w ill be ignored u ntil a stable LED color is obtained .
In case of H yp erTerm inal, p ress the <ESC> key.
Once <ESC> has been entered the help screen ap p ear s.