Linea SWIR GigE Series Camera
Operational Reference
Using Cycling Presets
The Cycling Preset feature sets camera configurations that change dynamically and repeatedly with
minimum overhead. Features can be updated while the camera is acquiring. The features allow
applications to perform tracking algorithms.
Presets Example
The following example describes a simple cycling sequence of gain change steps which will repeat
until stopped by the user. The example uses Sapera tool CamExpert to set features and test the
sequence. This does not represent a real world application but serves to describe the cycling
features of Linea SWIR GigE.
Initial Example Setup
Configure a free running acquisition of 1 kHz line rate with an exposure time and gain that’s
somewhat short (dark).
Select the Cycling Preset Category to setup and test the following example.
Set cyclingPresetMode to Active. This feature enables the Cycling Preset Module.
Set cyclingPresetCount to the number of presets, which will be configured and used. For this
example set it to 3.
Set the feature cyclingPresetIncrementalSource to the event, which will be used to increment
the cycling presets index. For this example, set the feature to EndOfFrame that is a logical
choice for a simple free-running acquisition setup.
Cycling Example: Changing Gain
The following steps program three presets to create a cycling sequence, starting with
preset index 1.
Set cP_PresetConfigurationSelector to index 1.
Set cP_FeaturesActivationSelector to Gain.
Set cP_FeaturesActivationMode to Active. This defines the camera exposure as one variable
stored in this preset index 1.
The feature cP_Gain now is in dark text (active) and shows the last Gain used by the camera if
cycling was not enabled. This field now controls the camera gain. The gain field in the Sensor
Control Category is in gray text indicating a read only field.
The next steps show how to make changes to the camera and save those changes as
additional cycling preset steps.
Set cP_PresetConfigurationSelector to index 2.
Set the feature cP_Gain to a higher value, increasing the acquisition brightness.
Repeat for index 3 with a Gain that is higher again.
Test the Example
With 3 gain values saved in three presets, click the CamExpert Grab button to start the cycling
free-running acquisition.
The CamExpert live display window will show a live grab where each virtual frame shows an
increase in exposure, and then returns to the first exposure cycling continuously until stopped
by the user.