Linea SWIR GigE Series Camera
Operational Reference
Trigger Selector Details
Single Frame Trigger (Start) “FrameStart”: Starts the acquisition of one frame when the
acquisition is active. The number of lines in the frame is defined by the feature “Height”.
Trigger Source Types
Trigger Source = Line x: Select the Line Input used as an external trigger.
Trigger Source = Timer1End Event: Timer1 End Event is used as the internal trigger source.
Refer to Counter and Timer Control Category for information on those features.
Trigger Source = Counter1End Event: Counter1 End Event is used as the internal trigger
Trigger Line Polarity: Select rising or any edge detection.
Input Line Details
The input line signals have the following features for control or status indication.
Feature Set: LineSelector (R/W), LineFormat (R/W), LineMode (R/W), lineDebouncingPeriod
(RW), LineInverter (R/W), LineStatus (RO), lineDetectionLevel.
Connector: See Connectors section for connector pinout and electrical information. The cable
shell and shield should electrically connect the camera’s chassis to computer chassis for
maximum EMI protection.
Line Transition Validation: Each input incorporates a signal debounce circuit to eliminate
noise transitions that could be wrongly interpreted as a valid pulse. The duration is user -
programmable from 0 to 255 µs with CamExpert.
Line Input Signal Characteristics: See
Input Signals Electrical Specifications
Output Line Details
The output line signals are dedicated outputs.
Feature Set: LineInverter (R/W), outputLineSource (R/W), outputLinePulseDelay (R/W),
outputLinePulseDuration (R/W), outputLineValue (R/W), outputLineSoftwareCmd (R/W),
LineSelector (R/W), LineFormat (R/W), LineMode (R/W), LineStatus (RO). See
External Outputs: Used to control external lighting or generate programmable pulses.
Output on Events: Each output can be set independently to one of the available event modes
defined by the ‘outputLineSource’ feature. The output delay can be set from 0 to 16 sec, in
increments of 1 µs. The pulse duration can be set from 1 to 16 sec in increments of 1 µs.
Output Line Delay Constraints
The exposure maximum delay specified by the user should not exceed the period of the signal.
If the exposure trigger is edge rather than level, the delay should not exceed half the period.
In case these conditions are violated, the camera simply ignores any new transitions / pulses /
triggers until the specified delay has passed.