Connecting the Linea SWIR GigE Camera
Linea SWIR GigE Series Camera
Preventing Operational Faults due to ESD
Install the camera in an ESD (electro-static discharge) safe environment to reduce potential noise.
Note: Using a simple power supply and Ethernet cable will not connect the camera to earth
ground. Ethernet cables have no ground connection and a power supply's 0-voltage return line is
not necessarily connected to earth ground.
The following methods will reduce or prevent ESD problems:
Method 1: Use a shielded power supply to connect the camera case to earth ground.
Method 2: Use a shielded Ethernet cable to provide a ground connection from the controlling
computer, to the Linea SWIR GigE.
Method 3: Mount the camera on a metallic platform with a good connection to earth ground.
Method 4: Avoid running the Ethernet cable near AC power lines.