Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
External Line Trigger, Internal Direction Control, Internal frame
In the Direction Control Grou p > set the p aram eter Sensor Scan Direction > to Forw ard or Reverse,
d ep end ing on you r ap p lication.
Set the Fram e Start Trigger and Fram e Active Trigger valu es to off, as d escribed above.
In the Line Trigger Fu nction Grou p > Set the Line Trigger Mod e valu e to On.
Figure 40: Line Trigger Mode
Set the Inp u t Direction Signal to Line 0 (as d escribed at the start to this section).
Verify the line frequ ency valu e by clicking the Read External Line Frequ ency p aram eter in the Line
Trigger Fu nction Grou p , as show n in the figu re above.
If the rescaler is need ed , set the rescaler as show n in the follow ing figu re:
Figure 41: Rescaler
If the rescaler is enabled , the external line frequ ency w ill be m od ified u sing the Trigger Mu ltip lier and
Trigger Divid er com m and s, as show n above. For d etails, p lease refer to the Rescaler section in the GURU
N ote: the Trigger Mu ltip lier takes the follow ing three valu es only:
0 = frequ ency x 256
1 = frequ ency x 16
2 = frequ ency x 4096
For m ore inform ation abou t the Rescaler, p lease refer to Rescaler in the GURU section.