Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Exposure Time
To set the camera’s exp osure time, use the
Exposure Time
featu re fou nd in the
Sensor Control
set. This
featu re is u sed to set the exp osu re tim e in µs. This featu re is only available w hen t he Exp osu re Mod e is
set to Tim ed . The allow able range is from 3 µs to 3300 µs.
GigE Vision Input Controls
Sensor Control
Exp osu re Mod e
This featu re is u sed to set the op eration m od e of the
Exp osu re (or shu tter): Tim ed , Trigger Wid th , Off
(m axim u m , accord ing to line rate).
Exp osu re Tim e
This featu re is u sed to set the Exp osu re tim e (in
m icrosecond s) w hen Exp osu re Mod e is set to Tim ed . m in 3,
m ax 3300 u s.
GigE Vision Input Controls
Frame Trigger Function Group
The Fram e Trigger Control section d escribes all featu res related to fram e acqu isition u sing trigger(s).
One or m any Trigger(s) can be u sed to control the start of an Acqu isition, of a Fram e. It can also be
u sed to control the exp osu re d u ration at the beginning of a fram e.
Trigger Overlap
Sp ecify the typ e of trigger overlap p erm itted w ith the
p reviou s fram e. This d efines w hen a valid trigger w ill be
accep ted (or latched ) for a new fram e
Trigger Delay Raw
Sp ecifies the d elay in m icrosecond s (μs) to ap p ly after the
trigger recep tion before activating it
The d elay of the selected trigger in 1 µs increm ents.
Fram e Trigger Sou rce
The line that triggers a fram e trigger w hen Fram e Start
Trigger Mod e is On.
Fram e Trigger Softw are Toggle
Trigger Softw are is a com m and that can be u sed by an
ap p lication to generate an internal trigger w hen Trigger
Sou rce is set to Softw are. To generate a trigger, ch oose false
first then choose tru e.
Active Mode
Fram e Active Trigger Activation
Sp ecifies w hat typ e of signal (i.e. high, or low ) cau ses a
variable length fram e trigger.
Fram e Active Trigger Mod e
Sp ecifies w hether the external variable length fram e trigger
is on or off. This trigger takes p reced ence over the
Fram eStartTrigger.
Fram e Active Delay
Enable the d elayer.