Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
CamExpert Panes
The Cam Exp ert ap p lication u ses 5 w ind ow s to sim p lify choosing and configu ring cam era files or
acqu isition p aram eters for the installed d evice.
D evice Selector pane:
View and select from any installed Sap era acqu isition d evice. Once a d evice is
selected Cam Exp ert w ill only p resent acqu isition p aram eters ap p licable to that d evice. Op tionally
select a cam era file inclu d ed w ith the Sap era installation or saved by the u ser.
Parameters pane:
Allow s view ing or ch anging all acqu isition p aram eters su p p orted by the
acqu isition d evice. Cam Exp ert d isp lays p aram eters only if those p aram eters are su p p orted by the
installed d evice. This avoid s confu sion by elim inating p aram eter ch oices w hen th ey d o not ap p ly to
the hard w are in u se.
D isplay pane:
Provid es a live or single fram e acqu isition d isp lay. Fram e bu ffer p aram eters are show n
in an inform ation bar above the im age w ind ow .
Control Buttons:
The Disp lay p ane inclu d es Cam Exp ert control bu tton s. These are: