Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Step 4. Camera Settings and Test Patterns
Review a Test Pattern Image
The cam era is now read y to retrieve a test p attern . The Sp yd er3 cam eras inclu d e a bu ilt-in test p attern
generator that can be u sed to confirm cam era Ethernet connections w ithou t the need for a cam era lens or
p rop er lighting. The test p atterns are u sefu l for verifying cam era tim ing and connections, and to aid in
system trou ble shooting.
Using Cam Exp ert, select
Image Format Control > Test Image Selector
and ch oose one of the available
test im ages. Select live grab to see the p attern ou tp u t. The follow ing test p atterns are available:
Figure 18. Grey horizontal step
Figure 19. Grey horizontal ramp