Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Test conditions unless otherwise noted:
12-bit valu es, Flat Field Correction (FFC) enabled .
CCD Pixel Rate: 40 MH z p er sensor tap
Line Rate: 5000 H z
N om inal Gain setting u nless otherw ise sp ecified
Light Sou rce: Broad band Qu artz H alogen, 3250k, w ith 750 nm high -p ass filter installed
Am bient test tem p eratu re 25 °C
Unless sp ecified , all valu es are referenced at 12 bit
Exp osu re m od e d isabled .
Unless sp ecified , d u al line m od e.
N ote: PRN U m easu red at 50% SAT.
Table 5: EMC Compliance Standards
The CE Mark, FCC Part 15, and Ind u stry Canad a ICES-003 Evalu ation of the Teled yne DALSA Sp yd er GigE SG-14
cam eras m eet the follow ing requ irem ents:
EN 55022 Class A, and EN 61326 Em issions Requ irem ents, EN 55024, and EN 61326 Im m u nity to Distu rbances