Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Step 1. Ethernet Network Card: Install and
Install Network Card
The follow ing netw ork card has been tested and is recom m end ed for u se w ith this cam era: Intel Pro/ 1000
MT Desktop Ad ap ter (33-MH z, 32-bit PCI). Ord er Cod e: PWLA8391GT (single p acks). Follow the
manufacturer’s recommend ations to install this card in the host PC.
Configure Network Card
The configu ration show n here u ses the Wind ow s XP op erating system as the host p latform .
The cam era com m u nicates u sing the Ethernet connection and em p loys the static IP ad d ress:
(d efau lt). A static ad d ress ensu res the fastest op eration. Alternatively, you can u se a d ynam ic IP ad d ress.
To configu re the netw ork card from the host PC:
In the Start m enu u nd er ―Control Panel‖ select ―N etw ork Connections,‖ and configu re the
netw ork card as follow s:
Select the installed netw ork card and click on ―Change settings of this connection .‖
Enable the ―Internet Protocol (TCP/ IP)‖ op tion only.
Figure 8. Internet Protocol
With ―Internet Protocol (TCP/ IP)‖ selected , click on the ―Properties‖ button.