Odin Quick Start Guide
1. Fully charge the battery before use
(This can take up to 24hrs). Any 5V
micro USB power supply can be used.
A blue LED light on the charge board
indicates the battery is full. A red LED
light means the battery is still charging.
You can also press the charge level
button on the battery to quickly assess
the battery level.
2. If you are using a solar panel, connect
it and you will see a red LED light
appear behind the 12V solar
connectors. If the light turns blue the
battery is fully charged. NOTE - The
brightness of the red charge LED will
depend on how much light your panel is receiving.
3. Insert a micro SD card into the supplied USB thumb
drive. Any size card may be used, but a minimum 128GB or
256GB card is recommended due to the reasonably large
image file sizes created.
SD Cards must be in the “ExFAT” format. IMPORTANT - Only
use quality branded, faster “U3” (or higher) cards. “High
endurance” cards are also recommended if possible.
4. Insert your SD card thumb drive into the blue USB port on the
rear of the main board. Alternatively, you may insert the thumb
drive directly into any of the 4 USB ports on the rear of the main
board. (Please take care not to accidentally insert the thumb
drive into the ethernet port).
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