3.2.11. Connecting rod
1) Distorsion
Check the connecting rod for distortion.
As shown in the figure below, install the
connecting rod to the connecting rod
tester, and check for distortion using a
feeler gauge. If the connecting rod is
found distorted, never re-use it but
replace with a new one.
2) Holes alignment (parallelism)
Measure the alignment of the connecting
rod piston pin bushing holes with con-
necting rod big end holes. At this time
also, use both connecting rod tester and
feeler gauge.
3) Wear
Assemble the connecting rod to the
crankshaft and measure connecting
rod big end side clearance using a feel-
er gauge.
Assemble the connecting rod to the
piston and measure connecting rod
small end side clearance.
If the measured values are beyond the
limit, replace the connecting rod.
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0.05 mm
0.1 mm or less
0.5 mm