3.1.24. Fuel injection pump drive assembly
Unscrew the injection pump drive shaft
bearing housing fixing bolts and remove
the injection pump drive assembly which
the shaft, gear, bearings, and housing
are put together.
3.1.25. Cylinder head cover
Unscrew the cover fixing bolts and dis-
assemble the cover.
Keep the bolts in an assembly state so
that the packings and washers may not
be lost, and keep the cover packing as
assembled with the cover.
3.1.26. Rocker arm assembly
Unscrew the rocker arm bracket bolts
and remove the rocker arm assembly.
Take off the snap rings to remove the
washers and rocker arm, then unscrew
the bracket fixing bolts to take off the
bracket and springs.
Take out the push rods.
3.1.27. Injection nozzle
Remove the nozzle fixing nuts and
extract the nozzles.
Remove the nozzle tube using nozzle
tube removing jig.
Do not perform disassembly operation
unless coolant, gas, etc. leak out.
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