(F) Gear Case
1. Remove the gear case.
(When reassembling)
•Stick the O-ring (1) to the gear case with thin
grease to prevent from coming off during
r e a s s e m b l i n g .
•Apply grease to the crankshaft oil seal lip on the
gear case and take care not to be rolled when
i n s t a l l i n g .
•Apply liquid gasket(Three Bond 1215 or equivalent)
to the both sides of gear case gasket.
(1) O-ring
(G) Water pump and Relief Va l v e
1. Remove the water pump body (1).
2. Remove the relief valve cover (2) and take out the
ball, spring and seat.
(When reassembling)
• Install the relief valve cover (2) with its mark
(1) Water Pump Body
(2) Relief Valve Cover
( H ) Idle Gear and Crank Gear
1. Remove the crankshaft collar (6), O-ring (5), oil
slinger (4) and crank gear collar (3) in the order.
2. Remove the idle gear (1).
3. Remove the crank gear (2) with a special use
puller set.
(When reassembling)
•Heat the crank gear to approx. 80
( 1 7 6
) and
insert the crankshaft.
•Apply oil to the O-ring.
3.3 to 3.7kgf
Tightening Relief valve
32.4 to 36.3N
cover screw
23.9 to 26.8ft-lbs