a. Checking and Adjusting
1) Fan Belt
Measure the deflection, depressing the belt halfway
between the fan drive pulley and the alternator pulley
at 98n(10kgf, sslbs) of force.
If the deflection is not between the factory
specifications, loosen the bolts and nuts, and
relocate the alternator to adjust.
If the belt is damaged or worn (See figure), replace
the belt.
b. Disassembly and Assembly
1) Engine Body
Drain the oil and the water, if disassemble the engine
b o d y.
1. Remove the muffler and exhaust maniflold(7).
2. Remove the starter(9) and the oil pressure
s w i t c h ( 8 ) .
3. Pull out the dipstick(6).
4. Remove the alternator(5) and the belt(1).
5. Remove the hourmeter unit(2).
6. Loosen the oil filter cartridge(3) with the filter
wrench and remove it and the flange(4).
(1) Fan Belt
(6) Dipstick
(2) Hourmeter Unit
(7) Exhaust Manifold
(3) Oil Filter Cartridge
(8) Oil Pressure Switch
(4) Filter Flange
(9) Starter
(5) Alternator
* *This figure does not show Hourmeter Unit(2) covered with the cooling fan.
(When reassembling)
Apply liquid gasket(Three Bond 1215 or equivalent) on the thread of the oil pressure switch.
Apply liquid gasket to the both sides of the hour meter gasket.
Apply oil to the O-ring and tighten the oil filter cartridge not with wrench but by hands.
Adjust the fan belt tension. (See Fan Belt)
Belt tension
7 to 9mm
Factory spec.
0.28 to 0.35in.
T i g h t e n i n g
Oil pressure
1.5 to 2.0kgf•m
t o r q u e
s w i t c h
14.7 to 19.6N•m
10.8 to 14.4 Ft-lbs