Wireless AC1200 Dual Band Gigabit Router
with Fiber WAN Port, 3G/LTE Support, 2 FXS Ports, 1 PSTN
(lifeline) Port, and USB Port
User Manual
Configuring via Web-based Interface
SIP domain name
When this field is filled in, the router registers on the SIP proxy
server using the specified domain name. When the field is blank, the
router uses the IP address assigned to it.
SIP proxy
An IP or URL address of the SIP proxy server.
SIP proxy port
A port of the SIP proxy server. Unless another setting is given by
your ISP, it is recommended to leave the default value (
Local port
The router's port used for exchanging data with the SIP server.
Unless another setting is given by your ISP, it is recommended to
leave the default value (
SIP outbound proxy
An IP or URL address of the SIP outbound proxy server.
SIP outbound proxy
A port of the SIP outbound proxy server. Unless another setting is
given by your ISP, it is recommended to leave the default value
SIP registrar
An IP or URL address of the SIP registrar server. Unless another
setting is given by your ISP, it is recommended to enter the address
of the SIP proxy server.
SIP registrar port
A port of the SIP registrar server. Unless another setting is given by
your ISP, it is recommended to leave the default value (
Enable DHCP
option 120
Select the checkbox to allow using DHCP option 120. When the
option is enabled, the
SIP proxy
SIP registrar
, and
Backup SIP
proxy address
fields are filled in automatically.
Backup SIP proxy
An IP address of the backup SIP proxy server. The router uses the
backup SIP proxy server in case of no response from the main SIP
proxy server.
Bound interface name
From the drop-down list, select an interface (the local interface or an
IPv4 WAN connection) which will be used for VoIP.
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