Component Description
The Iron-Cleer
water filter is shipped from the factory in nine(9) cartons. Remove all components from their cartons and inspect
them before starting installation.
Control Valve Assembly -
Regeneration control valve, small parts package contains installation hardware and consumer literature,
including the warranty policy.
Media Tank -
Two (2) fiberglass tanks complete with fittings.
Media -
One package of Birm filter media (10” filters), or two for 12” filters, one package G-50 and a package of Cullsan
Aeration Head -
The aeration head incorporates the compressor and other miscellaneous components.
Pick-up Tube -
This is the long tube which mates to the aeration head inside the tank.
Tools And Materials
All Installations
Safety goggles
Slotted screwdrivers, medium and large tip
Phillips screwdrivers, small and medium tip
Pliers, standard or locking groove
Gauge Assembly (PN 00304450 or equivalent)
Silicone lubricant (PN 00471507 or equivalent) -
Do Not Use Petroleum-based Lubricants
Lubricating swabs (PN 00591610, carton of 12)
Thread sealing tape
A bucket, preferably light-colored
Special Tools
Torch, solder and flux for sweat copper connections
Use only lead-free solder and flux for all sweat – solder connections as required by state and federal codes.
Threading tools, pipe wrenches and thread sealer for threaded connections
Saw, solvent and cement for plastic pipe connections
Snap-ring pliers, external, for three-valve bypass (see following section)
For testing the compressor, a gauge (PN 00448621). Adapt to 1/4” tubing.
Tank Filling Funnel
Drain Tubing, 1/4” black polyethylene (PN 00303177), 3/8” black polyethylene (PN 01009819)
Drain line, 1/2” (PN 00303082, gray, semi-flexible; or PN 00331946, black, semi-rigid; or equivalent)
Pressure reducing valve (if pressure exceeds 60 psi [414 kPa], PN 00400900 or equivalent)
Pipe and fittings suited to the type of installation
Bleach, 5-1/4%, 1 gallon [3.8 liters]