The service mode allows one to view the number of regenerations in the past 14 days, the total number of regenerations the
control has cycled through and the number of days since the last regeneration.
The statistical functions are reached by pressing the “Status” key until the screen blanks and then pressing the “-” key. Repetitive
presses of the “-” key will cycle through the statistics mode. Pressing the “Status” key will exit statistics and move to the time
display. The following table outlines the statistic function display, range limits and default setting:
Range Limits
• Number of Regenerations
- Last 14 days
0 to 99
- Days counter is to be updated at 12:00 AM
when dip #2 is
dip #4 is off; Otherwise update at whatever TOR is set for
- Number of Regeneration is to be updated after a valid
regeneration is complete (cycle 3 times out automatically)
• Number of days since last
0 to 99
- Days counter is to be updated at 12:00 AM
when dip #2 is
dip #4 is off; Otherwise, update at whatever TOR is set for
- After a valid regeneration is complete (cycle 3 times out
automatically), the counter is to be reset to 0
• Number of Regenerations
- Life of the Unit
0 to 9,999
Counter is to be updated after completion of valid regeneration cycle
(cycle 3 times out automatically)
• To be saved in EEPROM before the control is powered down during a power outage.
Once the statistics menu is entered the information shown for each display is outlined below:
“Regen” key is always ignored in statistics mode;
Can enter directly into diagnostics mode by pressing the “+” key;
When returning to statistics mode directly from diagnostics mode, always display the first statistic in the list as if statistics
mode was entered for the first time (don’t have to remember where it left off in the list);
Can exit back to service mode by pressing the “status” key;
Automatically times out back to service mode after 10 minutes of no key press activity;
Drop all leading zeros;
Number of Regenerations in Last 14 Days
This display will show the number of regenerations that have occurred in the last 14
days. The display will first show “14dY” for two seconds and then display the number
of valid regenerations that have occurred.
Number of Days since Last Regeneration
This display shows the number of days that have elapsed since the last regeneration.
The display will show “dAYS” for two seconds and then the number of days that have
elapsed since the unit completed its last valid regeneration.
Service Check
Service Check