1. Once all plumbing is finished and with the unit on bypass, flush the plumbing system until water is clear and no foreign
material is detected.
2. Initiate an extra recharge by pressing and holding the “REGEN” button for approximately 5 seconds.
3. Plug in aeration pump. Open the inlet valve on the by-pass to the aeration tank and allow the tank to fill with water and come
up to full line pressure. You do not have to wait for the air recharge cycle (air pump running) to finish before proceeding to the
next step.
4. Slowly open the outlet valve on the by-pass(s) for the aeration tank and filter.
5. Allow the unit to fill slowly until water flows from the drain.
6. When water flows to drain, open the inlet valve fully. Watch the drain discharge for media particles. If media particles appear,
reduce the flow. Increase the flow again when media particles no longer appear in the discharge. When the unit is filled with
water, return the timer to the service position.
7. Start-up is complete.
The media must be soaked for at least 12 hours before start-up (see preparation). Filling the tank without presoaking
will likely cause media loss!
Warning! Although not normally necessary, should you need to disassemble any part of the control valve
or remove the control from the tank assembly or associated plumbing, depressurize the unit first closing
the main supply valve, then open a convenient faucet down stream from the water conditioner.
If a sudden rush of water enters the filter, some of the media could be thrown up into the control valve.