Manual Control Cycling
The control can be manually cycled through a regeneration to troubleshoot the control or verify that the set-up is complete. When
a control is manually cycled back to the service position, the statistical counters of capacity remaining, days since last regeneration
and the number of regenerations is in the last 14 days and the life of the unit are not to be reset or updated. If the control is
allowed to time out from the last position back to service (Home), the applicable statistical counters are to be reset or updated. A
manual cycling of the control can be accomplished by following the steps as outlined below.
While in the service mode, press the “Status” key until the display goes blank.
Press the “+” key to display the current motor position.
Press and hold the “Regen” key for 5 seconds until the regeneration is started. Once regeneration is active, the “Regen” key
will be ignored until the control returns to the service or “home “ position.
The “REG” icon will flash and the motor will move the control to Backwash position.
Press the “+” key to cycle to the next position and remain there until the cycle times out or the control is manually indexed.
Continue to press the “+” key until the control returns to the service (Home) position. In order to step through the cycles
again, repeat at step 3.
Note: if the “-” key is pressed at any time, the control will move back to the first item in the statistics menu. Pressing the “+” key
from the statistics menu would move the display back to the current diagnostic cycle. The “+” key will be ignored once the control
returns back to the home position.
While cycling the control basic diagnostics can be accomplished.
The display shows the “REG” icon solid (if a regeneration is pending) or flashing (if in regeneration).
The display is to show the current cycle (“H” for service, “1” for Backwash, “2” for Settling and “3” for Fast Rinse) in the left
most segment.
The status of the motor output is to be shown in the 3
digit from the right. The center bar of the digit will light solid and the
LEDs will turn off when the motor output is on.
The cycle time remaining will be displayed in the two right most end digits.
Manual Cycling
Manual Cycling