Water Filters
Refer to figure 1.
Set the media tank on a solid, level surface near water, drain and electrical facilities.
Set the aeration tank on a flat, smooth, solid structure as near the media tank as possible.
Filter Tank Filling
It is possible to fill the tank in the plant. If filled at the plant, the tank must remain upright to prevent disturbing the layers. However,
because of its weight and handling difficulty, it is advisable to perform this on-site. Proceed as follows:
1. Place the distributor tube in the Filter Tank.
2. Use a cork or some other appropriate plug and place it into the distributor tube. This will prevent media from entering the
distributor during filling.
3. Place a funnel in the tank opening and pour several gallons of water into the tank.
4. First pour the Cullsan
material into the tank. The media should be leveled before adding each layer of media. Then pour the
G-50 into the tank. Then pour the bag of birm media. When filled the tank should be about two-thirds full.
5. Fill the tank nearly to the top with water. This will allow the media to become soaked while completing the rest of the
6. Screw the inlet strainer into the tank.
Mount The Control Valve
See figure 2 for a visual on mounting the control valve to the tank.
Assemble the o-rings, located in the parts pack, to the tank adapter.
The valve adapter o-ring sits on the first step on the adapter. See
figure 3.
Lubricate only the top o-ring on the tank adapter, and the outlet
manifold o-ring with silicone lubricant.
Screw the adapter into the tank until the adapter bottoms out on the
tank flange.
Align the manifold with the center opening in the valve, and press the
valve onto the adapter firmly.
Assemble the tank clamp to the control, and tighten the clamp screw.
Do not push the top o-ring down to the flange surface on
the adapter.
The larger of the two o-rings in the parts part goes between
the adapter and the valve, do not stretch the smaller o-ring onto the
top of the tank adapter.
The adapter only needs to be tightened hand-tight to the
tank flange.
Make sure to push the valve straight down onto the
manifold. If the valve is cocked, it may cause the o-ring to slip off the
The clamp and valve will be able to rotate on the tank until
pressure is applied.
Figure 2
Figure 3